Have worked successfully in partnership with Lisa, which has been a wonderful experience, allowing us to collectively undertake change management and transition strategies for their workforce
— Collette Kelly-Smith, Principal Consult Us 2


I love hearing people’s stories. And stories are great because they help us remember concepts and themes (usually through the emotions they make us feel) and they connect us as humans. And we all need to connect on a human level.

The stories I tell through my blog are usually about situations in organisations and their inherent tensions, career challenges and difficulties between people. They are a great outlet for me, and I have been told, often helpful to my readers who may be struggling with similar situations in their career and life. They help me make sense of what happens in large organisations and how I can be more effective in my career in senior HR roles. Telling these stories is a creative outlet and a way for me to share and give back. 

I  have started to run events where women in particular have a voice to tell their story. The challenges faced in balancing (if there is such a thing) work and family and study and life, and how women negotiate this differently. It is also through sharing that I hope to inspire women to make a change to make something better in their life. 

Do you have a story to tell? Get in touch here.


I'm good at coaching and having conversations that challenge, bring clarity and that nourish the soul. I have a Masters of Organisational Coaching, but more importantly I have a lot of experience having conversations with key leaders to support their development and career.

I'm passionate about supporting women in their careers. I have worked in more male dominated industries and organisations than most, and have navigated many difficult situations. I'm good at having conversations with women. Women can do exceptionally well but sometimes a conversation, some ideas and options and some support when things are tough, can make all the difference.

Would you like to have a conversation about where you are at, and where you want to be? Get in touch here.


Many times after people have read my blog I'll get a message saying "I needed to hear that" or "Thank you so much for sharing". My work is about inspiring people to really do better. To do things differently, on purpose....

I love sharing my stories and meeting other inspiriting women through speaking at events like:

Want to talk to me about speaking at your event? Get in touch here.